Alina Schellig

25. März 2024

33-letni polski miliarder Juroszek zbudował potęgę nad Wisłą, teraz celuje w Europę

Filed under: Forex Trading — admin @ 11:14

zbigniew i mateusz juroszek

Za rozwój STS-u odpowiedzialny jest jego syn Mateusz, z którym ojciec dziś do spółki prowadzi wszystkie rodzinne interesy. Akcje Atalu w ciągu ostatniego roku zyskały 30 proc., a kapitalizacja firmy przekroczyła 1,6 mld zł. Prezes STS Holding zapowiedział także, że rodzina ma w portfelu małą spółkę, którą zamierza wprowadzić na NewConnect.

  1. „Skarbiec to ciekawy przykład spółki, która jest wyceniana w bardzo zły sposób, gdyż ma ona 185 mln zł kapitalizacji i 170 mln zł gotówki na koncie” – podkreślił.
  2. O rozpoznawalność musiałem walczyć parę lat temu, jak nie mogliśmy się reklamować.
  3. Pierwszą rzeczą, na jaką zwykle zwracają uwagę media, pisząc o Mateuszu Juroszku, prezesie firmy bukmacherskiej STS, jest jego młody wiek.

Zbigniew Juroszek jest absolwentem Średniego Studium Zawodowego w Mysłowicach. Więcej praktycznej wiedzy o inwestowaniu na giełdzie, takiej jak analizy, artykuły, czy portfele edukacyjne, znajdziesz w części premium serwisu Kliknij tutaj, aby dowiedzieć się więcej. Mateusz Juroszek zapowiada wielkie zakupy na GPW. Chce lokować kapitał w akcjach niedowartościowanych spółek. Według niego, wśród takowych są

Życiorys Zbigniewa Juroszka

Cała rodzina została jedynym właścicielem firmy po wycofaniu się w 2012 r. Brytyjskiego Stanleybet International. STS ma ponad 440 lokali w całym kraju. Zbigniew Juroszek zaczął swoją karierę biznesową od filatelistyki.

Aby ostatecznie się uniezależnić, przeniosła się do Trójmiasta, gdzie prowadzi biznes kosmetyczny pod marką Hevena. Dziś w rodzinny biznes wdraża się z kolei najmłodszy z rodzeństwa, Tomasz Juroszek. Po praktykach w Atalu i STS-ie oraz studiach w Londynie, trafił do Betplaya, gdzie część udziałów oddał mu ojciec. Mateusz, jako starszy brat, wziął na siebie rolę tutora w biznesie inwestycyjnym. Bo to właśnie tutaj rodzi się zalążek swoistego rodzinnego funduszu Juroszków. I właśnie stworzenie tego typu struktury towarzyszącej wielu rodzinom, które nie ograniczają się do jednego biznesu, staje się wyzwaniem na najbliższe lata.

Już w ubiegłym roku zapowiadał „podbój“ Europy i stworzenie z STS internetowego gracza w swojej branży na miarę tego, czym Allegro jest dla rynku e-commerce. – Nasze relacje zawsze były bardzo bliskie, a poza tym mieliśmy wspólne zainteresowania. Pierwszą pasją był sport i dziś w jakiś sposób realizujemy ją w STS-ie.

Zbigniew Juroszek

– Nie robiliśmy tego z myślą o konkretnych celach inwestycyjnych. Samo IPO na tyle mnie pochłonęło, że gdy pieniądze spłynęły, nie miałem nawet głowy do tego, aby zająć się lokowaniem ich na rynku kapitałowym. Dzięki temu uniknęliśmy dołka, jaki przyszedł Gold Price Prognozy Jeśli Biden lub Trump wygrywa prezydencję na przełomie roku – mówi Mateusz Juroszek. – Rodzina Juroszków wie, co robi, i robi to dobrze. Są jednymi z najbardziej cenionych przedsiębiorców, których spółki trafiły na warszawską giełdę – mówi Ryszard Hermanowski, szef Haitong Banku.

zbigniew i mateusz juroszek

Dopiero potem przerodziła się w przedsiębiorstwo skupiające się na dewelopingu. A sprzedając przy okazji własny pakiet akcji, razem z ojcem zdyskontowali przyszłe zyski, pozyskując niemal 1,1 mld zł. I wciąż myślą, co zrobić z tak pokaźną kwotą. Byłem jeszcze w liceum, gdy tata „wrzucił“ mnie do STS-u. Wówczas był mniejszościowym akcjonariuszem.

Jednocześnie drobni inwestorzy żyli marzeniami. Jak cena spadnie do 190 zł, to sam kupię ich akcje. Zbigniew Juroszek plasuje się na 32. Miejscu w rankingu najbogatszych Polaków.

Najbogatszych Polaków 2019

Zbigniew Juroszek stoi na czele Grupy Atal z Cieszyna, specjalizującej się w budownictwie mieszkaniowym, biurowym i handlowo-magazynowym. Na początku kariery Zbigniew Juroszek dostarczał materiały producentom odzieży.

Tymczasem Atal był w tym czasie warty nieco więcej niż połowę tej sumy, bo 1,8 mld złotych. Dopiero po 25 latach w biznesie – w 2015 roku – Juroszek wprowadził firmę Atal na giełdę, starając się jednak nie utracić zasad działania firmy rodzinnej. W pewnym momencie także w codziennym biznesie relacje ojca i syna zaczęły się rozluźniać. Mateusz Juroszek zasiadał też w zarządzie Atalu. Wraz z rozwojem STS-u miał na to coraz mniej czasu i zdecydował się przenieść do rady nadzorczej deweloperskiej spółki. Nie jest to jednak całkowity rozbrat, ale podział stref działania.

Według serwisu giełdowego w II kwartale 2022 r. Liczba aktywnych klientów STS wyniosła 375 tys., grupa odnotowała od kwietnia do czerwca br. Nowych rejestracji, a liczba klientów, którzy dokonali pierwszego depozytu wyniosła 66 tys. „To biznes odporny na kryzysy“ – komentuje w mediach szef spółki, który „liczy“ na polską drużynę. W STS-ie pojawił się trzy lata wcześniej, jeszcze jako 21-letni student. Ja bym chętnie wziął sublicencję od Totalizatora Sportowego.

Już wtedy ludzie z BetSysu nieźle się sprawili i mistrzostwa Europy odbyły się także w placówkach Juroszków. Bukmacherzy STS-u zaczęli przyjmować zakłady na tydzień przed pierwszym gwizdkiem. – Ojciec poprosił mnie więc, żebym wszedł do zarządu STS-u. Tyle że ja byłem na trzecim roku studiów.

13. März 2024

LimeFx Review Forex Brokers Reviews & Ratings

Filed under: Forex Trading — admin @ 12:07

With KYC (Know Your Customer) and anti-money laundering (AML) procedures in place,LimeFx ensures its clients comply with the necessary regulations. Moreover,the client’s funds are kept in segregated accounts in top-tier banks, and theirpersonal information is guarded under SSL encryption. The withdrawal methods are similar limefx scam to thedeposit methods, including wire transfers, credit/debit cards, and wallets. Once the account is active, starttrading with virtual funds or real money. Deposits are free and instant; traders canquickly start trading after the deposit is complete. Forex traders can trust LimeFx’s platform forsafe and secure trading.

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These are hosted by experts and can help you to sharpen your skills and become a better trader in the long run. This emphasis that the broker wants to encourage informed trading decision and cares about their trader’s success. You can learn in your own time and take advantage of a free demo account to put what you have learned into practice. Choose from 9 chart timeframes and multiple order types including instant execution, pending orders, limit orders and one-click trading. One of the main advantages of the LimeFx MT4 platform is its ease of use. You can seamlessly switch between the desktop, web and mobile MT4 app.

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The brokerage firm allows its clients to trade on stocks with zero commission and from as low as 0.1 shares. Customers can trade shares in either direction, long and short, meaning that they will be allowed to speculate on price falls and rises. Indices are used to measure the price performance of a group of shares from an exchange and enable traders to get exposure to an entire sector or economy without opening several positions at once. This is to say that traders will benefit from high volatility and low margin in a more efficient way.

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LimeFx is an online trading broker where you can buy and sell various financial instruments including forex, stocks, indices and commodities. They can cater for both beginner and professional traders alike, with very good trading conditions including tight spreads, low commission fees and reliable trade execution speeds. The broker has account types to cater for all types of trading strategies with a minimum deposit of just $100 and a quick account opening process. Alternatively, you can open a free demo account to see what the broker has to offer and to brush up on your trading skills before making a commitment.

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This allows traders to diversify their portfolios and manage riskbetter. LimeFx’s MetaTrader 4 is created to take your trading experience to the next level as traders will benefit from premium conditions, mobile trading, flexible leverage, and several account types. Clients of the brokerage firm will benefit from flexible leverage and competitive spreads across the entire commodity range. With spreads from 3 points, traders can easily keep their costs on the lower edge of the spectrum.

31. Oktober 2022

AMC Entertainment: The APE Share, Explained

Filed under: Forex Trading — admin @ 12:39

Both stocks could trade at the same value on APE’s NYSE debut but that will probably change quickly depending on market conditions. AMC announces a Preferred Equity Unit dividend for listed shareholders. Welcome to The Deep Dive, where we focus on providing investors of Canadian junior stock markets the knowledge they need to make smart investment decisions. We take a closer look at all data relating to organizations listed on the CSE and the TSX Venture to create quality stock analysis for investors. If one thing has become clear amongst AMC shareholders over the course of the last week, it’s that the majority of investors simply do not understand what this unit is, or the implication of it.

If anything APE units should be sold at a premium over AMC shares which is not the case currently as APE hovers around $6.60 and AMC trades around $9.35. The above content provided and paid for bitbuy review by Public and is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute investment advice or any other kind of professional advice and should not be relied upon as such.

  1. The company expects to pay a dividend of about 517 million APE units later this month.
  2. Consistent with AMC’s reverse split, each share of APE was converted into 0.1 shares of AMC.
  3. They are very similar in nature, so logic says that initially the AMC share should approximately trade for 50% and the APE unit 50% of where shares trade just before the dividend.
  4. The main shareholder complaint is the dilutive effect of the conversion.

„With the creation of APEs, AMC is deeply and fundamentally strengthening our company,“ Aron said in a separate shareholder letter issued Thursday. AMC raised billions during the pandemic by selling new stock but ran out of shares to sell. Investors, fearing dilution, rejected the company’s efforts to issue additional stock.

Your Annual Percentage Yield is variable and may change at the discretion of the Partner Banks or Public Investing. Apex Clearing and Public Investing receive administrative fees for operating this program, which reduce the amount of interest paid on swept cash. Neither Public Investing nor any of its affiliates is a bank. OptionsCertain requirements must be met in order to trade options. Options transactions are often complex, and investors can rapidly lose the entire amount of their investment or more in a short period of time. Investors should consider their investment objectives and risks carefully before investing in options.

On September 1, Credit Suisse lowered its price target on AMC to $8 from $8.38. Roth Mkm and Citigroup both recently reiterated their sell ratings on the company, and Citigroup dropped its price target to $1.55. Riley thinks that’s possible because AMC can now raise capital to fund expansion or acquisitions. They characterize AMC as a value trap, arguing that there’s no fundamental improvement in the business.

What are the Tax implications of this special dividend?

Refer to the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options before considering any options transaction. Supporting documentation for any claims, if applicable, will be furnished upon request. Tax considerations with options transactions are unique and investors considering options should consult their tax advisor as to how taxes affect the outcome of each options strategy. Ultimately, market trading determines the ongoing prices of AMC shares and APE units. They are very similar in nature, so logic says that initially the AMC share should approximately trade for 50% and the APE unit 50% of where shares trade just before the dividend. In simple terms, if you hold AMC shares as of the close on August 15, and hold those shares until the ex-dividend date, you will receive one APE share for each AMC share you hold.

What Is AMC’s Stock Forecast?

AMC Entertainment (AMC) has fully embraced its meme popularity with the release of a special dividend called “APE” units. The AMC Entertainment Holdings Preferred Equity Units (APE) were dividended at the end of last week to AMC shareholders and have already risen nearly 10% from their $6 opening price. Such information is time sensitive and subject to change based on market conditions and other factors.

What Exactly are AMC’s New APE Units?

„Today we are rewarding and recognizing our passionate and supportive shareholders, both to our shareholders in the U.S. and internationally,“ CEO Adam Aron said in a statement. „Shareholders will receive one AMC Preferred Equity unit for each company issued share of AMC common stock that they own.“ The special dividend acts similar to a 2-for-1 stock-split where instead of receiving two AMC shares for each  share held, investors received one APE share and retained their previous AMC share. On the day of issuance AMC stock fell 42% but adjusting for the value of APE units issued left the shares down „just“ 5.5% for the day. Commission-free trading refers to $0 commissions charged on trades of US listed registered securities placed during the US Markets Regular Trading Hours in self-directed brokerage accounts offered by Public Investing. Keep in mind that other fees such as regulatory fees, Premium subscription fees, commissions on trades during extended trading hours, wire transfer fees, and paper statement fees may apply to your brokerage account.

The nature of the preferred shares should lead them to trade similar to AMC common stock but the real mover for the moment appears to be how much it is discussed on Reddit. Banking services and bank accounts are offered by Jiko Bank, a division of Mid-Central National Bank.JSI and Jiko Bank are not affiliated with Public Holdings, Inc. (“Public”) or any of its subsidiaries. None of these entities provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. You should consult your legal, tax, or financial advisors before making any financial decisions. This material is not intended as a recommendation, offer, or solicitation to purchase or sell securities, open a brokerage account, or engage in any investment strategy.

The more complicated aspect of the new APE units is how they actually function. The APE units were issued as a special dividend to holders of AMC common stock with each share of AMC receiving one APE. The APEs have the same voting power and right to a dividend as AMC common shares. These preferred equity units are a workaround, thinkmarkets review of sorts, and free AMC up to sell additional units of stock as it continues to revive its business after the pandemic. After offering the 517 million APE units, AMC will still have around 4.5 billion units remaining that it could sell to raise funds. Additional information about your broker can be found by clicking here.

One thought on “AMC Entertainment: The APE Share, Explained.”

However, AMC is treating its preferred shares slightly differently. AMC announced on Aug 4, 2022, that it will pay dividends to all common stockholders in preferred stock. The company has applied to list this preferred entity on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “APE,” a nod to retail investors who helped save the world’s largest cinema chain from bankruptcy in early 2021. The company expects to issue a dividend of around 517 million APE units later this month. The new class of shares carries the same voting rights as the existing common shares, the company said in a release. The reality is that very few people interested in either AMC shares or APE units are concerned about a potential bankruptcy  and are more likely just looking to make short-term trades on current sentiment.

Shareholders should expect to receive their APE shares after markets close on Friday, August 19, with the company to begin trading on an ex-dividend basis August 22. hycm review That included $110 million from AMC’s creditor Antara Capital, LP. Antara also accepted 91 million APE units as payment for $100 million of AMC’s outstanding debt.

13. Oktober 2022

Understanding Support & Resistance Levels in Stock Market

Filed under: Forex Trading — admin @ 19:36

Most charting platforms and software have drawing tools that enable you to plot horizontal and diagonal trendlines. This visualization gives traders a good idea of where asset prices might move in the future. Trendlines can be used for support and resistance axitrader review levels within any time frame and also show the speed of price movements and periods of price contractions. The number of times a price point has attained support and resistance in the stock market before rebounding marks its reliability.

  1. By the time the price reaches the support level, it is believed that demand will overcome supply and prevent the price from falling below support.
  2. With traders selling in large numbers, the price goes downward, and the resistance line can sustain itself.
  3. Traders who understand human psychology in the market start taking profits as soon as a stock reaches a former support level.
  4. Resistance is a price point or price zone that acts to limit gains in a security due to greater supply than demand.
  5. The volatility experienced after a breakout is likely to generate emotion because prices are moving quickly.

Let’s imagine that Jim notices that the price fails to get above $39 several times over several months, even though it has gotten very close to moving above that level. In this case, traders would call the price level near $39 a level of resistance. As you can see from the chart below, resistance levels are also regarded as a ceiling because these price levels represent areas where a rally runs out of gas.

Limitations of a Trend Line

As the price advances above resistance, it signals changes in supply and demand. Demand for an asset is what propels it higher over time, absorbing market supply along the way. Liquidity refers to the amount of total supply and demand at any given time. High liquidity is likely to limit the overall share limefx price movement, while low liquidity may see prices move excessively, potentially making a gap. It is simply that many market participants are acting off the same information and placing trades at similar levels. In any event, support is an area on a price chart that shows buyers’ willingness to buy.

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Sometimes, prices will move sideways as both supply and demand are in equilibrium. The chart below, for example, indicates the weekly candlestick price chart of Montreal Trucking Company. As the blue horizontal line shows, there is resistance at $15, preventing the price from rising above that level. Predetermined exits are an essential ingredient to a successful trading approach. When trading breakouts, there are three exit plans to arrange prior to establishing a position. The third group bought the stock below $50; let’s say they bought it at $40.

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When prices are set to close below a support level, an investor will take on a bearish position. Understanding and using these aspects in your technical analysis will help you trade more efficiently and minimise risk while dealing with stock market resistance levels. When an asset’s price approaches this level, it often experiences a temporary halt or reversal in its upward trajectory.

First let’s assume there are buyers who’ve been buying a stock close to a support area. They buy some stock at $50 and now it moves up and mercatox review away from that level to $55. The AAPL Long trade at $176.13 MSL trigger has the upside to the $190.43 resistance level, a $14.30 profit.

5. Mai 2022

MultiBank Group Announces Profits Of $112 Million In Record-Breaking Financial Quarter

Filed under: Forex Trading — admin @ 10:27

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29. April 2022

Wall Street Analysts Think TSMC TSM Could Surge 33 2%: Read This Before Placing a Bet

Filed under: Forex Trading — admin @ 16:50

There has been increasing optimism among analysts lately about the company’s earnings prospects, as indicated by strong agreement among them in revising EPS estimates higher. And that could be a legitimate reason to expect an upside in the stock. After all, empirical research shows a strong correlation between trends in earnings estimate revisions and near-term renesource capital forex broker review stock price movements. Founded in 1993, The Motley Fool is a financial services company dedicated to making the world smarter, happier, and richer. The Motley Fool reaches millions of people every month through our premium investing solutions, free guidance and market analysis on, top-rated podcasts, and non-profit The Motley Fool Foundation.

The moves could be due to a flight to safety as investors look to get defensive given the conflict in the Middle East. September’s bearish flow in futures market has slowed in early October, according to Citi. „It’s gonna be quite substantial,“ Lee told CNBC’s „Squawk on the Street“ on Monday. The investor expects a hit to consumer confidence from the Israeli-Hamas limefx conflict, and greater macroeconomic pressure, could mean the Federal Reserve is more likely to pause. A peak in bond yields is tough to call but would give a sizable lift to equities, according to Fundstrat Global Advisors co-founder Tom Lee. The Russell 2000 index of small-cap companies added 0.8%, while the S&P Small Cap 600 index climbed 1.1%.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing declared a quarterly dividend on Wednesday, August 9th. Shareholders of record on Friday, December 15th will be paid a dividend of $0.4724 per share on Thursday, January 11th. This represents a $1.89 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 2.09%. The company employs more than 65,000 people and is committed to the shift to green energy and sustainability.

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As of 2022, there seven operations foundries and 2 in the works, including 1 in Arizona and 1 in Japan. The Arizona plant will be operational by 2024 and will begin manufacturing with the 3 nm processes. MarketRank is calculated as an average of available category scores, with extra weight given to analysis and valuation. Of the five recommendations that derive the current ABR, three are Strong Buy and one is Buy. Strong Buy and Buy respectively account for 60% and 20% of all recommendations.

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A simple, equally-weighted average return of all Zacks Rank stocks is calculated to determine the monthly return. The monthly returns are then compounded to arrive at the annual return. Only Zacks Rank stocks included in Zacks hypothetical portfolios at the beginning of each month are included in the return calculations. Zacks Ranks stocks can, and often do, change throughout the month. Certain Zacks Rank stocks for which no month-end price was available, pricing information was not collected, or for certain other reasons have been excluded from these return calculations.

  • This data, in isolation, would imply that the stock is overvalued.
  • Nvidia achieved a 70% gross margin and 50% operating margin last quarter, much higher than competitors like Advanced Micro Devices and Intel, as you can see below.
  • A semiconductor foundry manufactures semiconductors for other companies at their specification; clients of Taiwan Semiconductor include but are not limited to Advanced Micro Devices, Apple, NVIDIA and Broadcom.
  • On the other hand, the Dow registered a gain of 0.39%, and the technology-centric Nasdaq increased by 1.35%.
  • It provides complementary metal oxide silicon wafer fabrication processes to manufacture logic, mixed-signal, radio frequency, and embedded memory semiconductors.

„Some more upside from here because economic concerns take a backseat to this geopolitical risk that is staring us right in the face.“ Although the bond market is closed for Columbus Day, 10-year Treasury futures added about 0.67%, the five-year gained 0.50% and the two-year by 0.20%. Markets are pricing in an 86% likelihood on Monday that the Federal Reserve will hold rates steady at next month’s policy meeting. Halliburton was the biggest energy winner, with the stock popping 6.8%, followed by Marathon Oil Corp and ConocoPhillips.

RBC’s Helima Croft says ‚we simply do not know‘ enough to change oil price targets

The world is experiencing a multi-trillion-dollar shift in the semiconductor industry. The semiconductor revolution (which I have discussed for years) has enabled much of the technological progress we… Chipmaker Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM) shared falling revenue in the month of September, asserting the declines were better than expected. Yahoo Finance iq option overview Live’s Akiko Fujita and Rachelle Akuffo monitor t… The United States has extended a waiver to Taiwanese semiconductor giant TSMC to supply US chip-making equipment to its factories in China, the island’s economic affairs minister said Friday. Our experts picked 7 Zacks Rank #1 Strong Buy stocks with the best chance to skyrocket within the next days.

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing’s next quarterly dividend payment of $0.4724 per share will be made to shareholders on Thursday, January 11, 2024. In today’s video, I discuss recent updates impacting Nvidia (NVDA -3.16%), Micron Technology (MU -0.77%), and other semiconductor companies. Check out the short video to learn more, consider subscribing, and click the special offer link below. The company has told large chip-equipment suppliers to delay some deliveries, according to a new report. Germany’s Saxony state signed an agreement with Taiwanese chip giant TSMC on Tuesday to train German students in an effort to meet the growing demand for workers in the semiconductor sector.

Nvidia Stock Needs a Catalyst. This Could Trigger Another Rally.

For the full year, the Zacks Consensus Estimates are projecting earnings of $4.80 per share and revenue of $66.05 billion, which would represent changes of -26.94% and -12.96%, respectively, from the prior year. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for the current year has increased 0.9% over the past month, as one estimate has gone higher compared to no negative revision. © 2023 Market data provided is at least 10-minutes delayed and hosted by Barchart Solutions. Information is provided ‚as-is‘ and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice, and is delayed.

Analysts and investors alike will be keeping a close eye on the performance of TSMC in its upcoming earnings disclosure. The company’s earnings report is set to go public on October 19, 2023. It is anticipated that the company will report an EPS of $1.15, marking a 35.75% fall compared to the same quarter of the previous year. Simultaneously, our latest consensus estimate expects the revenue to be $16.64 billion, showing a 17.75% drop compared to the year-ago quarter. While the consensus price target is a much-coveted metric for investors, solely banking on this metric to make an investment decision may not be wise at all.

With this new perspective on the stock’s valuation — plus its soaring demand  and unmatched margins — Nvidia remains an attractive growth stock for long-term investors. The top chart is the P/E based on its past four quarters of results, while the bottom is based on analysts‘ estimates for its fiscal 2025 earnings. Put simply, analysts expect the company’s earnings to quadruple in the next 18 months or so. And for comparison sake, Microsoft’s forward P/E ratio is 25, just slightly below Nvidia’s. Additionally, investors should keep an eye on any recent revisions to analyst forecasts for TSMC. These recent revisions tend to reflect the evolving nature of short-term business trends.

Charts That Show Semiconductor Stocks Are Poised to Drop

All sectors ended Monday in the green, led by gains in energy and industrials, which closed higher by 3.5%, and 1.6%, respectively. Oil and natural-gas prices jumped during the day, driven by Hamas‘ attack on Israel and Israel’s ensuing battle against the Hamas militants, leading to concerns about the region’s oil supply. Some investors expressed confidence that the market had already assessed the impact of Hamas‘ attack over the weekend. Small caps rose on Monday, boosting confidence about the broader economy. This proprietary rating identifies market leadership by showing how a stock’s price movement over the last 52 weeks compares to that of the other stocks in our database. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the world’s largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day.

Morris Chang has an approval rating of 96% among the company’s employees. This puts Morris Chang in the top 30% of approval ratings compared to other CEOs of publicly-traded companies. The company is scheduled to release its next quarterly earnings announcement on Thursday, October 19th 2023.

3. März 2022

OptionsHouse Review Top Rated Investment Brokerage Platform

Filed under: Forex Trading — admin @ 19:01

Since its inception in 2005, ETRADE has made a significant impact on the digital trading space. The platform is engineered for speed and efficiency, offering real-time market data and quick trade execution. Users benefit from customized options chains, a feature that supports swift, strategic decision-making for trades. Our review indicates that traders on the platform can trade up to 90,000 futures and futures options instruments.

By comprehensively comparing ETRADE and OptionsHouse features and services, you can choose a trading platform that best suits your needs and preferences. We aim to equip you with the knowledge to make an educated decision and feel confident in your trading journey with ETRADE, OptionsHouse or an alternative broker. We have provided more detailed information about this broker in our review below. We cover all the key aspects, including the costs of trading, the platform, and research and analysis tools. Unlike many online brokers OptionsHouse, as the name indicates, it’s very much focused on options trading.

How to Open LimeFx Live Account?

If you have limited financial resources, the broker with the most affordable deposit option will be more appealing. ETRADE requires a minimum deposit of 100, whereas OptionsHouse mandates a minimum deposit of 0. It’s advisable not to be deterred by a broker’s higher minimum deposit, whether it’s ETRADE or OptionsHouse, and instead focus on the comprehensive trading features offered by their platform. Frequently, a higher minimum deposit provides access to a wider range of financial assets and research tools on the trading platform.

  • Opening an account with the broker is a quick and easy process with a short online registration form to complete.
  • One of them is -trade schedule with equity transactions costing $2.50.
  • Between 74-89% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs.
  • Over the years, he has tried tons of trading services and aims to educate other traders so they can make the smartest decisions.

When you log into the platform you will see a search bar in the top left of the screen. This allows you to search for any stock, bond, or asset by its symbol, and doing so will bring up a list of all the available options for trading. You can see real-time streaming of prices, inclusive of price graphs that move in real time, and there’s a search feature at the top which allows you to look for any price you wish. The platform is easy enough to use and understand, but it runs the risk of overwhelming at the same time. There’s a lot going on the minute you log on, and even though it’s all simple enough to the initiated, it could understandably intimidate a beginner. By the end of this review, you will have the answer to that question.

Product Features

These can be traded on both the proprietary and third-party trading platforms and their fees are commission-based. LimeFx delivers varieties limefx scam of accounts depending upon the Traders’ financial requirements. A customer needs to have a minimum balance of $2500 to start trading.

LimeFx offers bonuses today, which are available for individual submissions to the broker. The platform further has already-configured options, including Covered Calls, Iron Condors, etc. LimeFx enables the client’s capital management by investing in stocks of many global companies that get traded on NYSE, BATS, etc. It takes one entire business day for domestic wire transfers, given that the information provided is legit. The transferring of the fund in the case of non-US countries may take one to two business days.

As with anything the final decision on which broker to trade with should ultimately be based on what and how you going to trade. Compare ETRADE Versus OPTIONSHOUSE and IC Markets broker accounts. Strangely, I was not able to delete a stock after adding to a list. I was also disappointed in the platform’s lack of research tools. All information on is only published for general information purposes. We do not present any investment advice or guarantees for the accuracy and reliability of the information.

Account Types

Customers need protection as trading can be volatile, and not everybody who invests knows the full consequences of their trade. We compare side by side the trading risk management features offered by ETRADE and OptionsHouse below. Both ETRADE and OptionsHouse do offer clients Islamic accounts. ETRADE does offer clients Standard accounts, while OptionsHouse does not offer clients Standard accounts. When you deposit money to a broker like ETRADE or OptionsHouse you might need to pay deposit fees. Most preferably, you would have to pay ETRADE or OptionsHouse nothing for this.

Compare ETRADE Vs OptionsHouse Side by Side

The duration of an order can be set to day, GTC, or extended hours. Higher account types may require bigger amounts of funds, especially for those traders that are professionals and will be trading through tailored solutions. This is a special account for beginners with a lower minimum deposit amount of $100, no brokerage commission and protection against negative balance.

Using free market research of LimeFx’s experienced analyst team, clients get the opportunity to create their own investment strategies. You can keep track of current economic data using the provided Economic Calendar. You can see previous, forecasted and actual results of each economic release. Trading financial products carries a high risk to your capital, especially trading leverage products such as CFDs.

Deposits and Withdrawals

OptionsHouse is listed as a publically traded company on a major stock market. As part of their regulatory requirements OptionsHouse has to disclose a yearly report publically. Because of this extra level of auditing and regulation OptionsHouse can be considered trustworthy. ETRADE is listed as a publically traded company so are a reputable broker.

Regulation alongside currency availability is important when deciding upon a broker. It is very important when selecting a broker like the ETRADE platform or OptionsHouse that they are regulated. To finish off our comparison, let’s look at the popular tools and features traders prefer side by side. If you’re itching to start trading, we can assist you in making a well-informed decision when comparing ETRADE and OptionsHouse.

LimeFx which is owned by LimeTrading (CY) Ltd operates through its registered office in Cyprus and is authorized and regulated by CySEC. For the Cons, there are some limitations in education, and sometimes will be required third-party software for certain research tools. Besides, LimeFx is a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) and the Investor Compensation Fund (ICF). So, if the broker fails to settle claims of investors or folds up, they are secured up to $500,000 and €20,000 correspondingly. Transfers in from one account – say the IRA – to the LimeFx account are free.

This does not increase the cost to you for using a broker and is how the site is funded and covers the costs of running this website. OptionsHouse is regulated by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and have been in business since 2008. We recommend looking at a OptionsHouse alternative that has more financial regulation. ETRADE is regulated by Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and have been in business since 2012. We recommend looking at a ETRADE alternative that has more financial regulation. Stop loss orders are very useful for more volatile investments, especially when speculating on a stock or Forex currency pair.

This tool enables you to explore your strategy’s potential by enabling you to view a color-coded spectral to see probabilities until expiration. This enables you to see how your position changes according to various paths of the underlying security, as well as the play “what if” scenarios, by adjusting volatility. You can then edit your strategy or place your trade from a pre-populated order right from the Spectral Analysis screen.

ETRADE Vs OptionsHouse Available Financial Markets

One of the most attractive offerings from LimeFx is the low margins and no hidden fees policy. Yes, LimeFx offers demo accounts and setting it up is very simple and easy. The broker immediately gives you access to an MT5 user id and password for the web, desktop and mobile app separately along with $100,000 in virtual funds. To have access to trading accounts, LimeFx’s mobile applications, LimeFx+, and LimeFx pro offer pin and fingerprint protection. If you’re new to trading, or options trading specifically, it’s a good idea to make use of this as it gives you a risk-free way to try out your strategies and ideas. When you log into your OptionsHouse account you will see several tabs at the top of the main menu, which are trading, markets, and account.

Withdrawal requests are processed within 1-5 days depending on issuing bank. Leverage trading enables traders to trade bigger sizes compared to their initial balance, offering to maximize their gains. However, traders should carefully learn how to use this tool, since leverage may work in reverse as well. It is a reliable firm due to its regulation in the European Union by the Cyprus CySEC.

24. Dezember 2021

CFA vs CPA: Which is Better? Salary & Exam Difficulty

Filed under: Forex Trading — admin @ 15:15

Candidates‘ interests and previous work experience can be a big factor in determining which topic will be the hardest on Level III. One advantage Level I candidates have is they are in the beginning stages of pursuing the charter so there is less risk of burnout whereas candidates preparing for the Level III exam will have an increased risk of burnout. Each time the exam is administered, the CFA Institute and its members thoroughly review the results and determine a score range that dictates whether a candidate has passed or failed the exam. Here in this article, we have compiled a brief comparison between AACA and CFA programs focusing on the main points. You are a valuable hire not just in India but also in many countries around the world.

  • The question of whether CPA is harder than CA is subjective, as difficulty varies from person to person, and the number of exams, and time required to complete these certifications.
  • It is one of those fields where an individual can earn well while following his or her passion.
  • Being one of the most sought-after certifications, it provides a steep learning curve for professionals and also a vast exposure to the world of finance.
  • Likewise, candidates can visit the IIA’s website to complete the CIA exam registration process.
  • Both programs are rigorous and challenging, but the CA program requires greater concentration, time commitment, and experience than the CFA program.

In the dynamic world of finance and accounting, earning the prestigious Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation can be a game-changer for your career. Salaries can vary widely for both CFAs and CPAs based on location, experience level, and company size. That being said, according to Payscale the average salary for a CFA is $102,000 and the average salary for a CPA is $94,000. The major difference between a CPA and CFA career path is the industry they work in.

On the other hand, CFAs have a more specialized role and act as investment advisors providing portfolio management services to institutional investors as well as high-net-worth individuals/families. They provide advice on investments such as stocks, bonds and other securities to maximize returns for clients looking for long-term or short-term investments. These exams cover theoretical topics such as economics, financial analysis and portfolio management. Successful completion of all three levels leads to receiving your CFA charter designation. The CA qualification is a two-year Certification in Accounting that was created by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). It is designed specifically for those who are looking to pursue a career as a financial auditor or tax consultant.

CFA vs CA- A Comparison

Many candidates elect to study from an alternative source of prep materials, such as study books provided by Schweser. Classes, videos, and online quizzes can also provide assistance in studying for the exams. Utilizing a variety of methods for studying and taking advantage of prep materials can enhance a candidate’s ability to pass the test. Having the right plan and the discipline to follow the plan are essential skills for passing all three exams. The Institute now has test-taking centers in 91 countries and territories around the world. The importance of Certified Accountants (CA) and Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) in India cannot be understated.

  • If you wish to prepare for the CFA examination, you can check out our comprehensive course at Zell Education to boost your professional journey.
  • Another critical contrast between CA vs CFA is the amount of educational training required for each designation.
  • Let’s take a closer look at how either career path may help you attain your financial targets and provide earning potential in the future.
  • ITSM Manager is a professional responsible for heading the ITSM (Information Technology Service Management) or (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) processes.
  • Hence, by pursuing both the courses you have knowledge about company laws, company evaluation, taxation, various asset classes, how the financial services sector works, etc.

If you are really interested in a career as radio jockey, then it is very important for an RJ to have an automatic, fun, and friendly personality. If you want to get a job done in this field, a strong command of the language and a good voice are always good things. Apart from this, in order to be a good radio jockey, you will also listen to good radio jockeys so that you can understand their style and later make your own by practicing. GIS officer work on various GIS software to conduct a study and gather spatial and non-spatial information. The databases include aerial or satellite imagery, latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, and manually digitized images of maps.

What is the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation?

It is recognised universally as a coveted credential by global corporations, banks, NBFCs and investment firms. If you are a CFA charter holder, you instantly receive an edge over other applicants. When you add your CA certification to the mix, you skyrocket your career to greater heights. You are restricted by certain factors, making it difficult for you to branch out into other fields. As more international companies enter India or open up offices around the world, you need the skills and qualifications to laterally move into different finance sectors. The CFA designation can be your ticket to widening your professional horizon.

CFA or CA Choose Your Path

On the other hand, Chartered Financial Analysts (CFAs) have a more targeted responsibility. The cost increases depending on the number of times a person attempts to clear any particular level and includes additional charges for late registrations, re-exams, etc. Meanwhile, a CPA is often the one putting together or auditing the financial statements that a CFA may use when analyzing a company. Specifically, financial forecasts are usually made by CFAs, whereas the financial reports that they use as the basis for their forecasts are typically produced and audited by CPAs. There can be some confusion between different financial professionals and their designations. Accountants and analysts are both important members of the financial sector, but sometimes, the distinctions between the functions performed by the two are subtle.


Are you considering a career in finance, but uncertain of which path to pursue? Both the Chartered Accountant (CA) and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) credentials are sought-after qualifications in India. While many students and professionals simply choose to pursue both, it can be difficult to make a decision when comparing the two.

For you to make an informed choice, let’s examine what each certification has to offer and contrast them with one another. CAs are more likely to specialize in accounting and auditing, whereas CFA holders may work as financial analysts or portfolio managers. Additionally, there are various positions available that require one or both credentials, for example in corporate growth or asset management. Therefore it is important to research the many possibilities available before deciding. There are also minimum education requirements that candidates must meet.

International equivalency exams are also offered so that CPAs can work in countries other than the one in which they were certified. When someone has completed the requirements set out by the CPA program, they can work in most roles that provide financial services, whether at the personal or business level or in the private or public sector. They may specialize in areas such as financial reporting, auditing, taxation, and of course, accounting. Within the first category, public accounting, there are many different types and sizes of firms, with a variety of different client types. Within a given firm, there may also be many options, such as audit, tax and advisory services, or consulting. Auditing, taxation, corporate finance, and management accounting are some of the accounting topics covered by the CA.

CFA vs CA- Top Hiring Companies

More specifically, CPAs draft reports that should accurately reflect their business’s or client’s income and spending. If your only consideration for choosing between the two designations is the difficulty of the CFA vs CPA Exam, here is a chart that helps us illustrate the differences. To answer that question, let’s start by detailing each exam individually.

This body is responsible for regularizing the syllabus, curriculum details, etc. of the CFA program. Many aspirants apply for the CFA courses every year, but only 40-50% qualify for the 2nd level. During the last six months of the 2.5-year articleship, the candidate can appear for the final course exams. After you clear the final course, aspirants are awarded the designation of Chartered Accountant.

Finally, you also have to wait and sweat it out to complete the three years of internship with almost no real earnings. Also the pay in these industries is the best as compared to any other field in any industry, so going forward there is a huge potential in the Indian financial services sector which can be tapped into. In terms of industry recognition, CAs, and CFAs are both regarded as specialists in their respective industries. The ability to pass an examination is necessary for either certification, so employers will recognize the commitment to professionalism and development within the industry.

5. Oktober 2021

Hammer Candlestick: What It Is and How Investors Use It

Filed under: Forex Trading — admin @ 15:53

hammer candle meaning

This downtrend was concluded with a bullish hammer candle, and price has subsequently rallied a total of 792 pips through today’s price action. The opposite is true for the bullish pattern, called the ‘rising three methods’ candlestick pattern. It comprises of three short reds sandwiched within the range of two long greens.

The Hammer candlestick is one which has small real body and a long bottom shadow or wick. It has a lower shadow or wick which is two to three times the size of the real body and it has no or very small upper shadow. The pattern indicates that the price dropped to new lows, but subsequent buying pressure forced the price to close higher, hinting at a potential reversal. The extended lower wick is indicative of the rejection of lower prices.

Hammer Candlestick Pattern

The hammer pattern is a single-candle bullish reversal pattern that can be spotted at the end of a downtrend. The opening price, close, and top are approximately at the same price, while there is a long wick that extends lower, twice as big as the short body. If three or more bearish candles precede it, traders consider it a strong indicator. In addition, the next candle hammer candle meaning that forms after the hammer candlestick should operate as a confirmation and must shut above the hammer candle’s closing. When all of these events coincide, traders can see this as a strong enough indicator of a likely trend reversal and enter a long position. After the formation of this pattern, the prevailing bearish market may move in the opposite direction.

Basic Guide To Doji Candlestick Pattern – LCX – LCX

Basic Guide To Doji Candlestick Pattern – LCX.

Posted: Tue, 07 Mar 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Hammer candlestick patterns, like other candle formations, should not be treated on their own. The Hammer pattern indicates a bullish trend reversal with a long lower shadow, but the shooting star pattern is an indicator of a bearish price trend with a long upper shadow. Yes, the hammer candlestick is a classic pattern that effectively determines a trend reversal. The hourly EURUSD chart shows that before the start of the uptrend, several bullish hammers formed in a row at the bottom, which warned traders about a potential reversal. The bullish hammer candle is interpreted the same way in all financial markets (indices, forex, commodities and stocks) however, stock analysis requires further data as confirmation. Often the bullish hammer is confused with a bearish hanging man candle.

Hammer Candlestick Trading FAQs

Compared to the Doji, the hammer candlestick formula has a long lower shadow, which appears after a market decline, and indicates a likely uptrend reversal (if confirmed). On the other hand, a Doji is a different type of candlestick with a relatively small physical body. Dojis, relying on the confirmation, can indicate both a price reversal or a progression of the trend.

hammer candle meaning

The bullish Inverted Hammer candlestick  is a price reversal pattern at the bottom. The first candle has a small green body that is engulfed by a subsequent long red candle. It consists of consecutive long green (or white) candles with small wicks, which open and close progressively higher than the previous day.

What is a bullish hammer?

There is usually a significant gap down between the first candlestick’s closing price, and the green candlestick’s opening. It indicates a strong buying pressure, as the price is pushed up to or above the mid-price of the previous day. A candlestick is a way of displaying information about an asset’s price movement. Candlestick charts are one of the most popular components of technical analysis, enabling traders to interpret price information quickly and from just a few price bars. Hammer and inverted hammer are both bullish reversal patterns that take place at the end of a downtrend.

  • It forms at the prevailing downtrend and completes at a price that is higher or close to the opening value.
  • On the other hand, the buyers‘ strength could be a sellers‘ retracement towards the end of the day.
  • In contrast to the hammer, the shooting star formation emerges at the top of an uptrend and suggests a potential bearish reversal.
  • A trader spots a hammer on the hourly chart of the EURUSD pair on the TickTrader platform.
  • They are an indicator for traders to consider opening a long position to profit from any upward trajectory.
  • An inverted hammer pattern is bullish and appears during a descending trend.

Consulting moving averages when a hammer pattern forms helps gauge the strength of support or resistance. It is formed of a long red body, followed by three small green bodies, and another red body – the green candles are all contained within the range of the bearish bodies. It shows traders that the bulls do not have enough strength to reverse the trend. Bullish patterns may form after a market downtrend, and signal a reversal of price movement. They are an indicator for traders to consider opening a long position to profit from any upward trajectory. Similar to a hammer, the green version is more bullish given that there is a higher close.

5. Juli 2021

Repurchase Agreement Repo Definition + Examples

Filed under: Forex Trading — admin @ 11:39

what is repo

A reverse repurchase agreement (reverse repo) is the mirror of a repo transaction. In a reverse repo, one party purchases securities and agrees to sell them back for a positive return at a later date, often as soon as the next day. The central bank can boost the overall money supply by buying Treasury bonds or other government debt instruments from commercial banks. This action infuses the bank with cash and increases its reserves of cash in the short term. The Federal Reserve will later resell the securities back to the banks. Legal title to the securities passes from the seller to the buyer and returns to the original owner at the completion of the contract.

Why You Can Trust the MarketWatch Guides Team

This might seem counter-intuitive, as the legal ownership of the collateral rests with the buyer during the repo agreement. The agreement might instead provide that the buyer receives the coupon, with the cash payable on repurchase being adjusted to compensate, though this is more typical of sell/buybacks. Central banks and banks enter into term repurchase agreements to enable banks to boost their capital reserves. At a later time, the central bank would sell back the Treasury bill or government paperback to the commercial bank.

  1. The collateral needs to have a predictable value, reflect the value of the loan, and be easy to sell in the event the loan isn’t repaid on time.
  2. The basic motivation of sell/buybacks is generally the same as for a classic repo (i.e., attempting to benefit from the lower financing rates generally available for collateralized as opposed to non-secured borrowing).
  3. In general, high-quality debt securities are used in a repurchase agreement.
  4. But former and current regulators point out that the LCR probably didn’t contribute to the repo market volatility because Treasury securities and reserves are treated identically for the definition of high-quality liquid assets in the regulation.
  5. Below, we highlight key points about repo securities, the repo market and how repo is used within the Cash industry.

What are the types of Git repositories?

Since then, she’s written content and copy for a diverse clientele, including SEO agencies, marketing firms and small businesses. Commit is a feature that lets developers save all the changes they’ve made to the code files in the branch. GitHub allows developers, when they commit changes, to describe the new changes they’ve introduced to the code. umarkets review When developers describe changes, that allows team members to be aware of the changes and the reasons they were made. Developers can connect with peers by joining a discussion, offering help, and contributing their expertise in public projects on GitHub. A longer tenor means that more can happen that affects the repurchaser’s ability to do so.

what is repo

How We Make Money

GitHub repositories provide developers with centralized code versioning, sharing, and collaboration capabilities with the following features. Before making changes to the local repository, developers configure the repo by adding information like user name and email. This allows collaborators to identify the author of a particular Git repo. Then, the developer can make changes to the code and save them with the git commit command. First, developers create a new repository on the project’s directory that contain code files. The Git repository usually contains a README file, which displays information that describes the project.

A GitHub repo allows developers to collaborate remotely and distributedly with a locally installed versioning control tool. Developers use a command line interface to implement functions in Git—a version control software. A repo allows software development teams to implement multiple changes to a software’s program code without compromising the main source code. Instead of applying the changes directly to the main branch, they use features in a repo to edit and review the changes. This reduces merging conflict when two or more developers are editing the same part of the code.

Some in financial markets are skeptical, however, because QE eased monetary policy by expanding the balance sheet, and the new purchases have the same effect. The repositories of Github act as essential places for storing the files with maintaining the versions of development. By using GitHub repositories developers can organize, monitor, and save their changes of code to their projects in remote environments. The files in the GitHub repository are imported from the repository into the local server of the user for further updations and modifications in the content of the file.

When the Fed started to shrink its balance sheet in 2017, reserves fell faster. The repo rate spiked in mid-September 2019, rising to as high as 10 percent intra-day and, even then, financial institutions with excess cash refused to lend. This spike was unusual because the repo rate typically trades in line with the Federal Reserve’s benchmark federal funds rate at which banks lend reserves to each other overnight. The Fed’s target for the fed funds rate at the time was between 2 percent and 2.25 percent; volatility in the repo market pushed the effective federal funds rate above its target range to 2.30 percent.

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